‘Processes in my growth
Sometimes some of the processes in my growth are so confusing that I don't even realize that I'm in a change and I'm in a developing phase. Often I don't realize that feeling at all because some of my journeys are very unpleasant and don't meet expectations, but the most unpleasant thing is that we don't know what will happen in the future. Over time, There something inside us seems to be waiting, holding our breath, not sure what step to take next, finally it becomes the process we have been waiting for. Because it is in the process of development that we realize that we are ready for the next phase in our lives. However, most likely in the process, a new level of personality will emerge and I will have to accept the change without compromise first. Like it or not, ready or not, I have to face a new version of myself that develops and grows in my process of becoming an adult. Will I be able to choose what kind of person I want to be at a certain time, of course I can always choose, because what happens in the future is the result of what I planted in the past. So I will continue to struggle to do my best and solve the mystery of the life that I am supposed to live.