Happiness is yours

You may have noticed that some people on the beach are very happy and some are very disappointed, you can see it when you come to the beach, but this is not because they like the beach or not, But because of the way they look at the beach. Happiness is a common thing, the only difference is that we get it from different things. The level of happiness doesn't depend on what you get, but on how much you have the will to find happiness in doing small things. Happiness depends on our appearance and actions, not on what we see and do. In essence, happiness is always about how we create it, not waiting for it to come by itself. Happiness is our choice, not a result. Nothing can make you happy until you choose to be happy. No one will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. happiness is yours, happiness will not come to you. It can only come from within you. 


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