Heal the wounds, eliminate the trauma. improving yourself to be better and be happy! ❤
Sometimes I want to always discuss about pain deeply, but I'm still afraid of other people's think that say my topic is always about pain like I'm always complaining and ignoring the blessings that God has given. no is not like that. this time I want to say it in general.
The pain felt by all humans around me even in all corners of the world each human has pain that they can't even express. they just enjoy it in silence and complain in the screams of prayer at night when the world isn't busy. those who feel pain often crash into that pain over and over again without mercy. they crash into their trauma over and over again and no one knows how they get through it and manage to fight the trauma. only he and God know how it went well.
I just hope that other humans never judge or take someone's pain lightly, don't try their luck and say ''your wound is not that big, my wound is worse than yours'', ''your trauma can heal faster, my trauma that can't be healed quickly''. you don't know how deep someone's wound is, don't compare your pain. appreciate those who have their own wounds. you need to remember every human being even you have pain that you can't express with words and the pain is so terrible, isn't it? then your pain and his pain both leave deep trauma, and you just get in different way. So just respect each other. focus on your wounds, heal your trauma, don't focus and compare them with other people's wounds which are clearly different in terms of getting the percentage of wounds and the healing process that is undergone is really very different.
Heal the wound, focus on the healing process, don't on ''why did I get this wound, did I deserve it?" Forget it all, no one deserves to be hurt from any side, what you have to do is focus on yourself, look in the mirror, maybe you made a mistake, although not entirely your fault, just focus on improving yourself to be better, make the wounds you get as material for self-introspection on your new self. But don't ever blame yourself completely, just being pair to yourself. For those of you who are getting hurt or focusing on healing wounds, I'm sure you will find a stage of letting go, if you are at that stage, your wounds will soon dry up and heal, you will return bravely and continue your life happily, because you deserve the life you want, everyone has the right to make that choice, everyone including you deserves what you want. because you have chosen, because you have been chosen, that's why you were born into this world. please be happy.