The bar was hot, it's 2 am, it feels like summer🌞
When the eyes meet holding back the desire to know each other, you said where I came from and vice versa, that scent I can't forget, your eyes with small lines that I always remember. but remembering it was just a glimpse of an incident that only people like me and him would feel that emotion, the relationship that night, if lucky it would continue until it was timeless, but as usual the incident would only end until 5 am, after that time ended everything would become a stranger, I continued my life and so would you. but somehow there was a feeling left behind, I deliberately didn't ask for your contact because for me it was impossible, we never know what will happen if it continues, you belong to someone and I always know that limit, the funny thing is that at that time it was 2 am, the bar that was so cold but felt so hot like summer because I was with you. so many feelings were held back, people say life is short if you only care about what other people say, and if you are already there just enjoy it follow your desire and do whatever you wanna do. but not with me, so many considerations especially if we meet at a bar. but the short meeting tonight is so meaningful, there is always something new that I learn in every meeting, no need to get too carried away by feelings. because anything can happen in just a few moments left.
Times passes I am immersed in a simple introduction, and a good introduction always leaves a good impression. but once again you need to know for never expect in a meeting at a bar, I give an example like: now you can talk to him comfortably, but at another time when you leave him for a moment the situation changes and he has made a connection and kissed someone else around you. then something like that is quite common in that place and its just a momentary incident so don't take it to heart and feel bad for that situations. and for those who just enjoy such situations because they like to initiate, find new friends, get to know and find someone new like me so you have to enjoy the moment never take seriously what happens in such a short meeting. You should know only in the night world' humans can meet in an hour, make a connection the next hour and become strangers at 7 am. Fun fact but its true’. so just enjoy your time at that time and don't think about what tomorrow will be like and don't take it seriously, because in my opinion it was just a glimpse of an incident at 2 am.