Natural characteristics of voters.
Getting a warm hugs for welcoming each second meet, Idk why, I always think when someone opens their hands to reach for me it means I have been well received. but sometimes thoughts like that aren't good if they are maintained for a long time but its a natural response from the mind and I am grateful to have thoughts like that it means I am not too trusting of new people around me especially I am very selective in determining who deserves to be near me and who doesn't, but isn't that a bad trait?
I don't know for me it's okay to have a trait like that because everything that will happen to me is the result that I will get in the future and I determine it all in the present. for the better right? sometimes to choose a path like that is okay because you choose and determine the quality of your friendship and will be packaged into a simple association and accept each other's shortcomings and troubles, and it feels like its of higher quality and the connection will last longer. but you should still be grateful for someone who comes into your life and accepts all your uniqueness especially your weakness and you should really appreciate that. For all of you, I pray that we will always meet good people who respect each other's existence wherever we are and be with people who don't need validation for what they achieve, support each other and complement each other.