Beautiful silhouette

 When i sat on the beach with my best friend, enjoying the sunset down, she said dem;
 "suddenly my whole view turned into a beautiful silhouette" the truth of that word is real we are really enjoying the time now, But suddenly she cried thinking about life which is really full of roller coasters, she said finally we made it, got out of that small city and moved to a wider dimension to see the beauty of the world and the beauty of the waves this afternoon. we’re very grateful and enjoy today while saying a promise that we will be happier, more grateful and will be more successful together. we really can't wait for the results we will get with our current struggle. laughing crying together every night remembering tomorrow what beautiful things will come in our lives. this experience taught me a lot of things, our youth is repeated in the 3rd phase of our lives, different from our friends who are already busy with their household lives, But we’re starting from scratch in this phase, i don't regret it i am really grateful to be given the opportunity to grow and develop better exploring what i dream of. this second and now we start everything ... again! see you at the end of our story.


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