Help me to forget everything

Sorry if I complain too much, again and again I want everything to disappear and things return to normal. and fine. God, if you allow me to remove this pain, heal me from the pain that I can't control, what should I do, this pain is getting stuck in me. Every time this feeling always haunts me. its very hurt me.


Sometimes I try to understand my situations, but I still can't handle it. Ok, I understand God, Love isn't meant to hurt each other but expectations make it hurt. Love isn't meant to be given in minimum amounts. Love doesn't require me to look better but to be truly good, or not to be myself. I always feel unworthy of facing the love I want. How can I make Love choose me in both good and bad things?

I think for get someone love That's not even something we should ask for, right? But is love something that must continue to be fought for? but alone or together?  God, after all of this I just ask to be removed source of pain and confusion in my heart. although in me there is always the strength to let go. But whatever forces me to free myself from this pain and shackles, it's still not always as easy as in the guide book I read. so please help me forget everything.


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