let go with pain..
On the way to your place, you know I almost left bc I knew what would happen next if I met you. but somehow my steps continued to be directed at you hard without stopping at all, my doubts disappeared my courage peaked bc I would meet my beloved. the welcome from your sweet smile really touched my heart, the way you talk, the way you calm me down when I'm jealous, you're not a man who talks a lot, but you do a lot without me asking without me saying what I want. that night we chatted spending time until morning with light chat to heavy chat, I told you about myself and you told me about yourself, how happy that time was in my life. we drowned in time without realizing it was already 6 am, you woke up from your sleep after being tired of our conversation, and suddenly I complained that my stomach felt so nauseous, besides he felt the same way, he offered to make me tea that would relieve my nausea. a simple thing right, but I really felt his love at that time. I never thought that it was our first meeting and would be our last meeting bc after that meeting we decided to part ways. not many reasons maybe bc we have the same fear, plus the experiences around us that make us so afraid to live a committed life, Even though we wanted to be together, we knew it would never work, and somehow he was so complicated, I never understood what was in his heart, and neither did I. not because we can't make a commitment but the fear is so great that it beats everything. I understand he can't start a commitment yet, and I'm not ready for all the possibilities that will happen in our relationship, because I'm afraid of fights, affairs, lies and all the possibilities that haven't happened in our relationship. there are so many things we're afraid of, and I understand that. so I never force what's not my will. I let him go with pain, I let him go with sincerity and hope we will find our own happiness even though yesterday we spent time together, without me realizing today I have become a stranger to him.