Girl w/ Perfect paradox!
I used to think I was introverted because I enjoyed being alone but it turns out I really like being at peace with myself and my surroundings & You all Guys must know I am extremely extroverted with people who bring me comfort and happiness
( Just fyi haha)
Sometimes I really miss to do Everything or Something like museum date, library date, coffee shop date, Art gallery date, Walk in the park date, Sit in the car and eat mCd ? movie marathon date? plan shopping date? Yassss A date??????
Do I really need that activity ? 😅
Yes, I want do this sometime, but when I want to started again I am so scare to start again
Bcs I'm Super clingy in a relationship. Like,
I like my space but I want you in my space while I have my space. if that makes sense ?
A lot of people get things twisted when dealing with me. yes, I care very deeply but once I stop giving a fuck, good luck trying to make me give a fuck ever again…
Wanna try ? Dating with girl extremly paradox? Sometime she can be perfectionists and still be lazy in one time. She can also be extremely sweet, yet turn around and be cold and emotionless, in terms feelings;