Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Today I’m 30 Yearold🌊


Thank you God for giving birth to me into this mortal world, this world is sometimes beautiful and sometimes dark. but whatever happens, I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to develop according to Your scenario. Every time I wake up I am grateful that I am still given this very decent and sufficient life, grateful that I am still given breath, grateful that I can still use my hands and feet, and my eyes to see beautiful and real things in this world. 

Today I am 30 years old. entering the 3rd phase of my life to live your new scenario every day. Sometimes I want to give up but remembering that there are still many whose lives are sadder than mine, I am grateful for what you have given me. Thank you for giving me strength all this time, thank you for teaching me many meanings in this world, I am starting to accept all your destiny for me, but I will try whatever I try now. I will try not to complain too much, not be too angry at fate that is not according to my wishes and follow my wishes, I will start trying to live my life which I feel is dim. I entrust my fate to you, please don't let me down again, I'm sure I can get through all this and crawl calmly when I get to the top there.

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