About Love, Again...


It feels like there will be no end when I discuss the issue of love, because for some people love is a pleasant thing, but on the other side there are also those who consider love to be just a game and filler for stories and life's journey in the world. Maybe for me, who was entering the teenage phase at that time, love was very exciting and just for fun. At that time I was still in my 20s, but when it came to love, I felt like I had experienced various forms of love. I mean love from my family and those closest to me. But when it comes to teenage love, for some reason from the beginning of puberty I wasn't very interested in love, at that time I felt strange, I thought, 'Is there something wrong with me? ''My friends always say I'm just pretending and only appealing to men's feelings, but what I feel is that I don't feel anything. I kept asking what was wrong with me. But when I remembered, the reason was that my mother always repeated the same words when I was at the dining table for breakfast or dinner. And it's always stuck in my mind even as an adult. Mother always said "SIMPLIFY" Simplify love in any form. So that if something happens you won't be cut too deeply, you will never be consumed by your expectations, you will be safe from wrong love if you can simplify your feelings.

So that's the reason why I'm used to love, I prefer to simplify it, so that I don't always fall in love which will have a bad impact on my life in the future. I will be saved from the slavery of love like now. because my logical thinking towards love has become more selective in choosing what I will do and who I will be with in the future, indeed sometimes things like that can be detrimental to you and sometimes even make it difficult for you to be alone, but I always try to handle it. and compromise with my feelings so that I can make feelings of love stable and not complicate my feelings.


But does your logical way of thinking sometimes interfere with your relationship with your lover?

"I don't think so, in fact communicating with him makes it easier for me to control my various feelings, and I can easily use whatever method I want to love him. Because everything I do is always compromise with whoever I'm dating at the time. And it always goes well. But once "Again, I always ask for approval from my lover at the beginning, so that nothing goes wrong when in a relationship. Even though I know that any relationship will not be free from mistakes, I would rather prevent them than not do them at all."

[Ya, That's my wild opinion and something I did when I was about 20s]

But is doing this the wrong way? Many say my method is only for my own benefit, not for my partner and it will only harm one part..

But is it wrong if I want to protect myself from wrong love? I think all humans would do the same if they wanted to protect themselves.


Basically I just want to say one thing, it's okay if you don't like the way I treat love, I just want those of you who are in love to simplify a feeling, so that if you love, you don't need to give your heart fully, because that will only hurt your heart later. Believe me, don't waste your love on just one person, because if that happens in the future you won't live the life you want, you will only be trapped in the love of your past and the rest is just you trying. to do and live your life and survive through the past. And the love you experience in the future is just your way of camouflage to cover your old wounds. Then until the end everything is just a fake that you have created.


My message; Start loving yourself more, learn about yourself from the person you want to love first, get to know yourself what kind of love you need. I think after that you can simplify your feelings more and choose what kind of love you want & believe me after that all love you want or you need will always just come into your life ( in every way ).


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