Issue Of Self Healing

 Now I have learned many things time to time about the issue of self-healing that you need to know, it turns out that the problem isn’t someone who has hurt you in the past and left deep trauma and wound’s in your life. but that problem’s happened because of you, because yourself never forgave and let go of the burden that was in your heart. you never forgive yourself for something you should have let go of far from the present. You are the one who always blames you for what happened in the past, and feels that everything went wrong in the past is your responsibility. After this I hope you can choose to live with the unknown in your future rather than being afraid of being in a situation where that day will come. like you're playing a puzzle that actually has more mystery. as time goes by I hope you accept yourself more in the future instead of blaming yourself for those human reasons for having the heart to hurt you. Logically, sometimes they come into your life to play a role in making your life more meaningful and making you a better human being. take the essence of goodness, take the wisdom, take what you think is good to be with. If you fail to spend time with him, let him become the wind and become the past that you have been with, it's okay if you feel sad because of separation, loss and leaving. but I hope that after all you can return to normal and smile through your time in the future. I am sure you can. we all can. because time goes on, wounds will heal over time, there are dreams that you have to chase, there is a heart that is always waiting for you in the future, so don't waste your time on people in the past who have even forgotten what they have done to you. Don't ever feed your ego just because your wounds haven't healed even though it has taken so long.



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