The Tricks

The blue sky mixed with white slowly turns to orange, spiced with purple and black, gray and brown. A very beautiful combination in the afternoon towards evening. The atmosphere of the universe is good but not my atmosphere. My heart is tired of being attacked by longing that I can't reach right now. It felt like a heart-piercing pain. and now I was in the fairy tale of someone who wanted to travel around the continent with a lover who was filled with such passionate love. But not with my heart, which was never ready to enter that man's fairy tale. because I'm different with him, my fate is evil. My path to beautiful things is full of twists and turns, he won't understand that. How do I explain that our togetherness won't working because our destinies are so different. Suddenly the rain fell in the middle of me thinking about how you could slowly get away from me and disappear. He has to understand that I don't have the confidence to be next to him, because I already know what the end of this story will be like. So it's clear to take steps to stay away and never enter into my fairy tales whose stories are full of misery, pain and wounds that seem eternal and never heal.


Why am I like this as if I am a victim of love which hurts and makes me disappointed. Because you don't know how tiring it is to see the tricks of men who seem to be interested in us, he fall in love as hard as they fall, make us feel loved even though their aim is only to get us body, right?  And what he wants, he just do his wild thoughts imagine And hold it in every night And think about how to get the body he wants.  After he gets  everything, he is no longer interested in you, he doesn't show interest and deep love for you anymore.  It's really disgusting isn't it?  If you say there is no one like that then why so many girl who are traumatized by the wrong love countless times, then will you be responsible for your easy words that belittle girl who are going through such difficult wounds?  For some people, the words "the cure for a broken heart is a new heart" only work for some and the rest of the words are really inappropriate to say.  Because you don't know how many wounds she has gone through and how long she has harbored those wounds until she has survived this far.  For those of you who always underestimate and consider heartbreak an ordinary thing, please choose and keep your opinion silent about it because people's ways of dealing with wounds are very different, there are those whose wounds heal quickly and are covered by new wounds, there are also wounds that never heal even though they have been around for decades.


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