Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Big Decisions In Your Life


Try to understand yourself, don't force your self if you can't, don't even compare yourself with other people, even though that feeling often comes, just ignore it, you already know that your process with others is clearly different. don't even compare your success, don't feel jealous, don't feel like you lost, because life isn't about competition, life is how you ultimately make big decisions in your life, decisions will take you where your life will take you, into heaven and happiness or into hell and misery, All It depends on you and your hard work. Try to focus on yourself, pay less attention to someone via social media, it will only make you more obsessed with other people's processes that are faster than you. Focus on pursuing what you want and aim for, not what other people have, trust in your process which will produce the good results you want.

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