Monday, August 14, 2023

My Questions Finally has been answered

 —— Slightly continuing the story in the previous pages. I want to let you know that, My Question and My Curiosity has finally been answered.

A bird gave me a newspaper, that now you are separated from that woman, even though your marriage age is only as old as corn.

Evil I have, a bit of satisfaction when I hear it. 😈

It turned out that if I came back with him at that time it wasn’t the right solution to heal my wound. Turns out my decision to disappear was right and he enjoyed it this time right now.

In fact, that woman didn’t last long with you. And I think your marriage relationship will exceed the time we have spent together before. It turns out it was only for a moment.

But still thank you for being my complement. Even if only temporarily.

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My Thought

My stupidity but my heart really enjoys it.

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