Wednesday, January 25, 2023

We done🏳️

Finally this morning he replied to my message, I know last night he didn't sleep, I don't know what he did, what is certain that this is a matter of priority and I am no longer his priority.

Yes, he replied to my message and he answered by not giving a clear answer, aka depending.

When I ask: what should I do?

He says ; you don't have to do anything pretty. I'm confused too, at this time. I suddenly focused on work, and getting used to other things (he's getting used to his feelings towards me) And It was the same answer I had when I first met him. 

The funny thing is “when I try to focus on that person! it turns out, he starts playing on my trauma”

 I got it, He said; He understood me with all the current situation, but apparently he didn't understand me.

With the answers above I know what to do now,          He didn't want to be the one making the decisions, so he put like it was, he wanted me to make the decisions.

But also I hang everything too;

Ok fine, I'll be fine, these things are normal in life and happen often, today was better than yesterday, it's great that God created such a scenario, my desire to focus on him disappeared, my feelings quickly dwindled, luckily I  already trained with all kinds of feelings.

Today we are done.

And We done things we haven't even started yet,-

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My Thought

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