Some Validation🍁


I don't know why someone needs validation after being left, needs some statement or apology ? 

maybe the way those who have left apologizing will soothe?  but for what ?  what do you need that confession for, why are you looking for him back, even though your heart knows you don't want it, you hate him, but why do you really need his apology after just leaving, will you feel relieved when he apologizes, do you  will sleep well after that?  

To you : 

Right now, you’ll never know how I feel; what i've been through all this time

It’s been years since I’ve heard from you, and I had lost my hopes at that time and What I want is for you to come and tell me where I need to go and anything is up wrong  ?

so that I can sleep in peace fully at least just one night, bcs I haven't in two years.

You know what as long as I held on when you knocked me down until now I'm still holding on, 

A bad and good things that I've been through alone.

I never ask for help often, I handle my own healing

But When I do need someone, Thats when you know its really bad. but it's okay everyone will feel difficult things in their life

Even I’ve been let down a thousand time I still holding on.


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