Ask your selF.๐ชธ
When you're wondering if loving someone was worth it, ask yourself this!
If you could go back in time, if you could do it all over again?
Will you choose that person, will you choose that hope, knowing that you will also choose that wound?
Knowing that at one point in time, you had to survive their loss, the ache of missing ? Are you still taking risks for them?
Do you still love them?
Did you still stay up until 4am with them on the night you met, letting yourself fall?
Do you still forgive and believe; will you still make memories, will you still give them a home in your heart? See, if the answer is no, then maybe what you have isn't love; maybe it's a lesson.
But if your answer is yes, then ah-don't hesitate if it's worth it. Don't make it less beautiful in your mind, don't turn it into something you choose to forget.
You had something worth fighting for.