I win πŸ«΅πŸ»πŸ–•πŸ»


After many years after that incident. In the 2rd year, you finally have the guts to contact me again, I don't know what that means, for sure I'm no longer interested in serving you dude. You already know, when I already hate someone, then I'll clear them completely from my life, pretend they didn't exist & never came. And now what I'm doing to you!

#That's what I always instilled when I grew up

Until the time you beg to come back to me, nd I don't care at all. bcs it is a very painful form of disappointment.You know what type of person I am when you make me down ? I’ll immediately disappear and will not give you access to contact me, not even a single loophole.

You know, people say πŸ—―

until now why "you are still looking for me" and "I still feels hurt" they said. "There s still an unfinished story". but I don't think so even though the wound you planted in my heart will always be remembered. Remember when I was alone and lonely, the trauma you left behind it took me a long time to open and heal my heart again. This is an old wound that imprinted deeply on my heart bcs of the impact of this wound.  I feel very self-loathing and blame myself for everything happen in my life.

Until finally my wound slowly healed, even though I was crawling in pain I was able to get to this point and survive even though my wound was still there.

What do I want now;

The heart that immediately came to cover my wounds that never subsided.

A warm heart for a cold me...

A clear heart for my cloudy heart...

And a heart that lives for a long-dead taste...

That's my hope, even though hope always hurts but still I always have hope...

So Don't worry I already confirmed to myself

"Sometimes, it's okay if what you want doesn't live up to your expectations, life won't always go the way you expect, so keep things simple, so you don't get too hung up on expectations."

PS; I know you still stalk my blog and read all of fucking this shit all day.   

One thing πŸ’­

“started 2 year ago I win and you still lose”


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