Friday, April 8, 2022

The anger issue


2018 I started messing with myself, means (mentally).

 Like I had to run away from the life I was in at the time, to see into that 2020-2021 was far more explosive. 

 yes to me, it keeps happening bcs of self-improvement which in my opinion has not been completed, and is still in progress. 

 At that time I wanted to know, why am I like this, why I can be like this, ups and downs of feelings of uncertainty, emotions of stability.  

sometimes I can be angry sometimes I also sad at the same time, Everyone knows it's a bad feeling, the feeling of being pushed around like crazy things.

 why am I like this so i learned a lot from this, what makes anger issue?  The anger issue is like a manifestation of an unhealed or unhealed wound! 

 I always ask to myself.

 what is root of the heartache that makes my emotions up and down like this, which is always stuck in my heart.  

I finally found the answer and this is about my past trauma.

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