Wondering why ?
I was just wondering why you always look at us like that.
“Don’t u know the struggle we are going through ?”
“Why don't you appreciate our work at all?”
“Should you think of us so bad ?”
“Why are we always looked down upon by you?”
“Sometimes we are tired, can't we be disappointed ?”
“Can we feels so bad and tired with all
problem he makes ?”
“Why you only thinking about your son,
not about the sister ?”
We are angry, we complain bcs of what he has done to all of us especially to you mom!! ๐
We always want to make you happy with our hard work, but it has to be a little delayed because we have to solve problems that we shouldn't be responsible for.
so we don't completely make you happy, but wait for moment I will make things back to normal and all will be happy especially mom!
Did you know ? I always cry if see you cry in silent at night.
I hold you tight I hug you tight but you avoid me, you act like nothing happen. U know? It hurt me/us so much.
We all the sisters promise to make you always happy, and don’t want to see you cry again every night.
Sometime we wondering why ? Why mom why ?
We always do best things, do everything for make you happy.
But only brother in your head.
With all the efforts the sister can and want to help him get out of trouble, why are we the ones who are considered the culprits and accused us of always hating him.
We always endure the pain because we love you, but why you sometimes treat us unfairly.
Sorry if I talk like this, sorry I wrote all this, sorry if I feels like this.
this does’nt reduce my love for you my dead love.
I wish that you always love us and don't think strangely about us, bcs the fact we love each other and there is no hatred.
This only disappointment bcs he likes to make mistakes that are very bad so that we all and mom must be responsible and endure this all.