Monday, February 13, 2023

Mom Happiness🍁

Some people in this world are born rich at a young age even at birth.

   There are also those who have to fight tooth and nail to become rich even from birth:

   Yes, I am a category 2 human being, I have to fight tooth and nail for my life and make my parents happy.

But wait once upon a time…

Before I struggled, my mother struggled for 25 years to support her 4 children because she was left by her husband, before that mom life was very happy bcs father had everything and we all lived very complete lives, but after my father died, everything changes, father asset and all we have lost bcs something happen; and my mother began to struggle desperately alone for  I lived 25 years! 

Until finally after I graduated from school the struggle passed on to me and my other sister’s, and my mother's persistence was passed on to her daughters~

For whatever reason now I am willing to do anything.  we can live happier❤️


I always have positive happiness mantra for my life!

   I am successful, I am happy, I am grateful for what God has given to me.

   I want to make my parents proud, I want to be rich and take her around the world, give what her wants, bring her to happiness without having to feel disappointed every day because of what his son is doing.

   God Please, Allow this year and so on to be my year,. My year to get the opportunity to make mom happy as her always dreamed of, remove his disappointment so far, replace it with endless happiness and grace. 

 I want to take her to see Mecca again, I want to take her to Germany as she wants to, I want to take her to all the places she's dreamed of.

   I will successful, of course, in a good way.

   She is my life and death, I will do everything for her and realize the hopes that we have not achieved together.

   My mother, my mother, my mother, the only woman who is my prayer every day, let me make it happen through the hands of you God.

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