
Showing posts from September, 2024

He know I tried hard, but..


I can’t read ur signal,-

    I'm tired of guessing what's in your heart, sometimes I want to be someone who can change your doubts into beliefs, is there a chance for me to be given a little trust that I'm the right person for you, I love you with all my shortcomings, I love you in my simplicity, do you believe that I'm someone who deserves good love. I want to get love without having to ask for it, I want to get love without having to beg with tears. I always forcefully stop my love when I've shed tears for it, because I know that later the tears will continue to grow and complicate my life and that means everything will end badly, I'm too afraid of damage, I'm too afraid of separation when the tears have accumulated so much that they can't be stopped. I always fortify myself with belief, so tell me if you really believe in me. Don't be blurry like this, I can't read your signals well, be honest so that I understand.

A poison

    Such great hope when you reappeared in my darkness, after 2 years had passed and I knew you had also gone through another story, but finally you chose to come back to me, I don't know the purpose of your arrival this time. What I know this time is different, you came with a gentleness that was able to deceive me, the way you came back so smoothly made me have hope for our story that had stopped, I was just about to start and put together our story well, and fix the story that was broken. but it seems like your goal is not me, what you want is no longer me, I don't know what you want, but it seems you are so lonely, but you seem to love me so much. but it turns out your love is just a poison that will destroy me in the future. I consciously accept the poison with a warm heart and the love that I give so much. I don't know.. I can't guess the future, I can't know where time will take my heart and of course I will give it to someone who is worthy and ready to accom...

A Clown🤡

 I have to forget you, I have to go far away from you, I have to get out of your future plans. why do I want to get out bcs I don't know what my role in this story, you confuse me, how can it be that if you love someone then all you do is confuse them. loving you really hurts. ''But how can I forget you while your scent is still clearly embedded in me, how can I forget you while your voice is eternal in me.'' Your tenderness never goes away, I'm happy to be close to you, I'm happy bcs my goal is no longer obsessed to having you then I choose to stop following your game, I'm tired bcs I'm not here to entertain you, I'm here to save myself. you really confuse me when you put me on the list of future plans with your family and friends but your behavior doesn't show it, you lock me up you make me unable to make a choice, this is really confusing and makes my head hurt. when I meet night comes morning every day repeats like that it feels like this...