Monday, June 26, 2023

Who’s care

 Who care if you and me were together, who care if you loved so deeply: nothing. because only I can care and feel all kinds of love that you give to me.



Does anyone know how to be grateful for what we have now, does anyone know how to be happy without comparating other people's happiness. 

if there, please teach me how to be grateful and happy without complaining too much.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

New Character 🌟

It’s been too long I lost myself, And now I'm starting to show again who I am with the form of the character woman I want. 
 now when I started my part the world has responded to me in a good way. show things in a different way.
 in myself that I have built like now, I have gradually improved and recovered.
 I am improving And growing into a new Thing. my journey to find something real was not easy. but now my worries are gone And I have accepted the new Me.
 it turns out that making a new character is not a bad thing. 
As long as this makes you comfortable then live it.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Not work 👁‍🗨


How much time did I waste crying, how much pain in my head did I feel. and still with the same problem. 

Why are you using dirty ways, why are you trapping me so I can stay? does love have to do something like this? Will it matter if you choose to stick around? 

Why does this always happen in old relationships? every time I think about you i always wondering why you prefer to stay with me, and always hold me down. why?

 In Fact, we already know that this relationship will not work.

But for all we did for the time apart, Thank you for the love.


Forms of love


Love is a common thing that I often hear every day, even minutes to seconds. but there are still many people around me questioning what is love? 
I think we can’t define love with pictures or words. 
we cannot hold intangible love, we can only feel love, love is a feeling, feeling is love. so all forms of taste are love: in my opinion there are so many forms of love, because love can only be felt, we cannot explain or describe it, because love is abstract and there are many forms.



you are the unexpected this year, among the oceans, galaxies, moon and stars. I am one of the lucky women to be beside you. I'm grateful for what I have now. because I have something they can't have: I never expected it to be you, I don't know…

from now on everything will be you. get ready for it.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Butterflies & Flowers



He says I am full of tricks like butterflies & flowers.

The butterfly that was about to be chased instead went and flew, but if it was kept quiet it would come by itself and perch on his shoulder.

And flowers that are very beautiful when seen and will wither when picked, that's very deceiving isn't it? 

He said that I was someone he could only admire, not to be have, he concluded that I was like a rose 🌹with thorns if he held it would hurt him.

How bad is my parable in his eyes?

  Again he said that I am a person who doesn’t like commitment (That true, but he doesn't know what things have happened to me in the past to my cold me, so he accused me like that) but I understand it just his worry.

By saying things like that as if he knows me deeper, it's just a  way of treating himself..

But about him, he's special, he's different and I adore him, that's all.

So when my feelings have exceeded admiration, I always stop it, bcs it will hurt me in the future. When the excess feeling is present, this is the time for me to flap my wings and metamorphose to find a new place.

Yes, that's me, my excessive sense of alertness  makes me a tough person who feels like I don't need anyone, even though I do need someone.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

3y Ago

 When my soul feels empty.

there is only one name that I say many times until I draw your face above the clouds and then I smile and realize that I am so crazy about you that I don't even know if there is space for me in your soul. I hope it will always be the same as 3 years ago when you first wanted to get to know me.




when I change my ordinary feelings into extraordinary love, that's when you lock me in the room of your heart so that I don't even see a gap to get out, the only thing I ask is that I can still live in it, please don't break my heart.

My Thought

My stupidity but my heart really enjoys it.

    Now he is silent again, silencing the voice of his heart which can never be predicted and understood by my common sense, my logic is loo...